Prayer Series – The Eucharist

HomePrayer Series – The Eucharist

THE EUCHARIST Source and Summit of the Church’s Life

This is a series of four prayer services for parish small faith-sharing communities.

Parish Priests, together with their Evangelisation and Faith Formation Portfolio Coordinators, are asked to arrange the series over four weeks during Lent.

May this prayer series inspire us and deepen our wisdom and understanding of Eucharist as Pilgrims of Hope during this Jubilee Year.

“Your life must be woven around the Eucharist. Direct your eyes to Him, who is the Light; bring your hearts very close to His Divine Heart; ask Him for the grace to know Him, for the charity to love Him, for the courage to serve Him.  Seek him longingly.”

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910 to 1997)

NOTE:  The introduction at the beginning of the booklets explains the procedure.

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This will be available soon. Please check back.

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